Last week was an important one for Citizen Science. On Wednesday, the
White House held a large “Open Science and Innovation” forum highlighting the
promise of citizen science and outlining ways Federal agencies can take advantage
of this growing movement.
It was hosted
by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, a hugely
influential body overseeing the efforts of such agencies as the National Science
Foundation, Department of Energy, NASA, and the National Institutes of
As a former Policy Officer at NIH
who used to implement many of these initiatives, believe me when I say that OSTP
initiatives are taken very seriously.
It’s important to say up front that none of this happened on its own.
The citizen science community has been
building its reputation and reach for years to the point where it can stand
tall at the national level.
And the government
has not been ignoring citizen science up to now; they have highlighted it at
previous events, discussed citizen science at White House Science Fairs, and have
been discussion open innovation and crowdsourcing in a variety of initiatives
(including ongoing
Government Initiative).
So there are
both many people to thank as well a strong foundation to build on.
Much of the attention from this event has gone to the
Federal Crowdsourcing and
Citizen Science Toolkit toolkit.
quite large and frankly much more complete that can often be expected from
these types of events.
To start, I
recommend taking a look at the various case studies presented on various
projects designed by, or in coordination with, government agencies.
These are models that can be reproduced by other
State/Federal agencies or can be developed by citizen scientists to help those
It’s also a great place to
draw inspiration for future projects.
that is just the first step.
Starting up
a new citizen science program, either privately or in the government, involves
many moving parts and a lot of key decisions.
So the toolkit also provides a long listing of resources that practitioners
can use to start and grow their projects.
There is no way to highlight them all but I do recommend browsing through
them for any insights that will help improve your own work.
As a former Fed who has dealt with many of these Open Innovation/Open Government
issues before, what really interests me is the memo put out by OMB (the
government’s management arm) on “
Societal and Scientific Challenges through Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing”.
This is what actually pushes agencies to include
more citizen science in their programs and future budget requests, putting dollars
behind the top-down push.
But it also
brings up a number of questions for me.
One key element is creation of an online catalog of citizen science and
crowdsourcing projects to help the public discover them.
This is a laudable goal and on the surface
seems like a no-brainer.
But I question
the real-world practicality of this approach.
To begin with, the number of Federally-funded citizen science projects
is quite small compared to the total number of projects available (both
nationally and internationally).
So to create
a highly visible database showcasing a minority of projects can cause non-Federal
projects to be overshadowed and less able to attract participants.
As a community the SciStarter database has become
the go-to site for this type of information; highlighting projects regardless
of funding source.
At the very least I
hope the Federal solution is able to partner with SciStarter so their efforts
are complementary instead of working against each other.
There are also questions with the real-world usefulness of this web site to
remain current.
In many cases these
types of government catalogs rely on manual entries made by employees from numerous
different agencies and bureaus, all with different definitions of what citizen
science is and with different amounts of time/energy devoted to populating the
Unless it is made a high
priority for agencies (which is easier said than done) the database quickly
lose relevance as the project data grows increasingly out-of-date.
Second, I question the concept of it functioning as a real-world way for
people to find participation opportunities.
For many years the government has operated the Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (
highlighting every grant program available to
the public.
It is supposed to help
people find programs (and funding support) that meets their needs.
But in reality I don’t think anybody uses it
that way.
Most of the CFDA programs are
broad, vague listings that each cover a wide swath of opportunities.
As an example NIH has less than 50 active
programs listed under the CFDA system…but this is a tiny number for an agency
spending $30 billion per year on grants.
At that high level the CFDA listing can barely capture the specifics
needed to inform people about the individual programs currently available. Instead,
people looking for grant funds can just go to
which lists every Funding Opportunity Announcement across the government with
detailed, complete information on each.
I fear the Citizen Science database may just be like the CFDA listing and not
provide nearly as much value as is hoped.
A thid issue I see was not addressed by the memo but can quickly come into
play with Federally-funded citizen science projects.
A relatively unknown law called the “Shelby Amendment”
requires that any Federally-funded research findings used to inform any
regulatory action be made publicly accessible through FOIA.
Although a laudable goal, the implementation
of this on the citizen science community may cause problems.
As we know, many citizen scientists get into
the field to help preserve the environment and so a large number of citizen
science projects look at ecological questions.
So if this research is funded by the government, and if the data is ever
used to support a future regulation, all of the research data is subject to the
Freedom of Information Act.
But is this burden
appropriate for citizen science?
The law
was designed to cover university and agency researchers who can easily comply
with the requirement.
Citizen scientists,
on the other hand,
may have much more
difficulty with those costs.
It is also
highly intrusive for what may be a small citizen science project that gets
caught up in politically-sensitive research.
So we need to really think about how these types of Open Government/Open
Access requirements impact us.
Finally, but most importantly, a key agency action under the OMB memo is to
diversify project by creating mechanisms for providing small grants to individuals
and communities that may not be affiliated with universities or traditional government
As we just saw above the
FOIA requirements can be overwhelming to small projects.
But what about all of the other
administrative requirements necessary to operate a Federal grant?
That’s a huge issue and a problem that can’t
be ignored, but it’s too big for just one blog post.
So I’m going to keep putting together my
thoughts and write more on this issue in the near future.
In the meantime, what are your thoughts?
Anything you find particularly beneficial, or particularly troublesome?
Send me an email (
OpenScientist - at -
or let me know in the comments below.